ADVERTENCIA: Este producto contiene nicotina.

La nicotina es una sustancia química adictiva..

Política de privacidad

WPPOP Technologies Co. Ltd and its affiliates (collectively, “WPPOP”, “we”, “us”, y “our”) respect your privacy. Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy (“this Policy”). This Policy applies to WPPOP websites, products, and services that display or provide links to this Policy.

This Policy describes how WPPOP processes your personal data, but it may not address all possible data processing scenarios. WPPOP may inform you of product- or service-specific data collection through supplementary policies or notices provided before collection.

This Policy describes:

1. How We Collect & Use Your Personal Data

2. Cookies & Similar Technologies

3. How We Disclose Personal Data

4. How to Access & Control Your Personal Data

5. How We Protect Your Personal Data

6. How We Process Children’s Personal Data

7. Third-Party Providers and Their Services

8. Transferencias internacionales de sus datos personales

9. Actualizaciones de esta política

10. Cómo contactarnos

1. How We Collect & Use Your Personal Data

Por datos personales se entiende cualquier dato que, ya sea solo o junto con otros datos, Se puede utilizar para identificar a una persona física.. Usted nos proporciona directamente dichos datos cuando utiliza nuestros sitios web., products, o servicios, o interactuar con nosotros por, Por ejemplo, crear una cuenta WPPOP o contactarnos para obtener ayuda. También podemos obtener datos registrando cómo interactúa con nuestros sitios web., products, o servicios. Por ejemplo, Podemos utilizar tecnologías como cookies o recibir datos de uso del software que se ejecuta en su dispositivo.. Según lo permitido por la ley, También podemos obtener datos de fuentes públicas y comerciales de terceros., Por ejemplo, comprar estadísticas de otras empresas para respaldar nuestros servicios. Los datos personales que recopilamos incluyen el nombre., género, nombre de la empresa, puesto de trabajo, postal and email addresses, phone number, login information (account and password), photos, and certificate information, etc., depending on how you interact with WPPOP, Por ejemplo, the website you visit or the products and services that you use. We also collect the information you provide to us and the content of messages you send us, such as the query information you provide, or the questions or information you provide for customer service support.

Before using WPPOP’s products or services, you may need to provide personal data. In some cases you may be able to opt not to disclose your personal data to WPPOP. However, not providing WPPOP with certain data may mean that we cannot provide you with certain products or services or respond to an issue that you have raised.

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Creating an account.
  • Fulfilling your transaction or service requests, including fulfilling orders; delivering, activating, or verifying products or services; providing training and certification; managing and processing training and certification exams; participating in onsite or virtual activities; fulfilling your requests for changes or providing you with the requested information (such as marketing materials for products and services, and white papers); and providing technical support.
  • Contacting you with your consent; sending you information about products and services that may interest you; inviting you to participate in WPPOP activities (including promotional activities), market surveys, or satisfaction surveys; or sending you marketing information. If you do not want to receive these types of information, you can opt out at any time.
  • Sending you important notices, such as installation of and updates to operating system or application.
  • Providing you with customized user experience and content.
  • Qualifying and managing suppliers and business partners, and communicating or working with suppliers and business partners.
  • Improving our products and services through internal audits, data analysis, and research.
  • Analyzing the efficiency of our business operations and evaluating market share.
  • Troubleshooting when you send us error reports.
  • Synchronizing, sharing, and storing the data you upload or download and the data needed for the uploading and downloading.
  • Ensuring the security of our products, services and customers or users, executing and improving our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs.
  • Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements, industry standards and our policies.

WPPOP may also collect and use non-personally identifiable information (Non-PII). Non-PII is information that cannot be used to identify a particular individual. Por ejemplo, WPPOP will collect statistical data, such as the numbers of visits to its website. We collect this data to understand how users use our websites, products, and services so that we can improve our services and better satisfy your needs. WPPOP may collect, use, process, transfer, or disclose non-PII for other purposes at its own discretion.

We will endeavor to isolate your personal data from non-PII and ensure that the two types of data are used separately. If personal data is combined with non-PII, it will still be treated as personal data during processing.

WPPOP will process your personal data following the requirements of applicable laws on an appropriate legal basis, including:

  • Processing your personal data to fulfill the contract when responding to a transaction or service request;
  • Processing your personal data with your consent;
  • Processing based on the legitimate interests of WPPOP or a third party when we use your personal data to contact you, conduct marketing or market surveys, improve our products and services, execute and improve our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs, and other purposes. Legitimate interests include enabling us to more effectively manage and operate our business and provide our products and services; protecting the security of our businesses, systems, products, services, and customers; internal management; complying with internal policies and processes; and other legitimate interests described in this policy;
  • Processing your personal data as necessary to comply with and fulfill legal obligations.

2. Cookies & Similar Technologies

2.1 Cookies

To ensure our website works correctly, we may at times place a small piece of data known as a cookie on your computer or mobile device. A cookie is a text file stored by a web server on a computer or mobile device. The content of a cookie can be retrieved or read only by the server that creates the cookie. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Cookies are unique to the browsers or mobile applications you use, and enable websites to store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping cart.

Como muchos otros sitios web o proveedores de servicios de Internet., WPPOP utiliza cookies para mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Las cookies de sesión se eliminan después de cada visita., mientras que las cookies persistentes permanecen vigentes durante múltiples visitas. Las cookies permiten que los sitios web recuerden su configuración, como el idioma., tamaño de fuente en su computadora o dispositivo móvil, u otras preferencias del navegador. Esto significa que un usuario no necesita restablecer las preferencias para cada visita.. De lo contrario, si no se utilizan cookies, Los sitios web lo tratarán como un nuevo visitante cada vez que cargue una página web.. Por ejemplo, si es redirigido a otra página web desde un sitio web en el que ya inició sesión y luego regresa al sitio web original, no te reconocerá y deberás iniciar sesión nuevamente.

WPPOP no utilizará cookies para ningún propósito no establecido en esta Política. You can manage or delete cookies based on your own preferences. For details, visit You can clear all the cookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers provide the option of blocking cookies. However, by doing so, you have to change the user settings every time you visit our website. Find out how to manage cookie settings for your browser here:
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

2.2 Web Beacons and Pixel Tags

In addition to cookies, we may also use other similar technologies on our websites such as web beacons and pixel tags. Por ejemplo, when you receive an email from WPPOP, it may contain a click-through URL that links to a WPPOP web page. If you click the link, WPPOP will track your visit to help us learn about your preferences for products and services and improve our customer service. A web beacon is a transparent graphic image embedded in a website or in an email. We use pixel tags in emails to find out whether an email has been opened. You can unsubscribe from the WPPOP mailing list at any time if you do not want to be tracked in this manner.

By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies, web beacons and pixel tags as described above.

3. How We Disclose Personal Data

WPPOP shares your personal data with other partners, as described in this Policy, when services are provided by partners authorized by WPPOP. Por ejemplo, when you make an online purchase from WPPOP, we must share your personal data with the logistics provider to arrange shipment or a partner to provide services. In addition, as a global company, we may share personal data with WPPOP affiliates and subsidiaries.

To comply with applicable laws or respond to valid legal procedures, WPPOP may also disclose your personal data to law enforcement or other government agencies. If WPPOP is involved in a restructuring, merger & acquisition, or a bankruptcy or liquidation lawsuit in a given jurisdiction, your personal data may be disclosed in connection with the transaction. WPPOP may also disclose your data when appropriate, Por ejemplo, to execute Terms and Conditions, when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or when it is in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.

4. How to Access & Control Your Personal Data

It is your responsibility to ensure that all personal data submitted to WPPOP is correct. WPPOP is dedicated to maintaining the accuracy and completeness of personal data and keeping the data up-to-date.

To the extent required by applicable law, you may (i) have the right to access certain personal data we maintain about you, (ii) request that we update or correct inaccuracies in that data, (iii) object or restrict to our use of your personal data, y (iv) ask us to delete your personal data from our database. To exercise these rights, please click here to give your feedback online. Your written request may be required for security. We may decline the request if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the request is a fraudulent, unfeasible or may jeopardize the privacy of others.

If allowed by applicable laws, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when WPPOP processes your personal data based on your consent. However, withdrawal does not affect the legitimacy and effectiveness of how we process your personal data based on your consent before the withdrawal is made; nor does it affect any data processing based on another justification other than your consent.

If you think that the way we process your personal information does not comply with applicable data protection laws, you can contact the relevant competent data protection authority. You can obtain the information for contacting EU data protection authorities at

5. How We Protect and Retain Your Personal Data

The security of your personal data is important to us. We use appropriate physical, management, and technical measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. Por ejemplo, we use cryptographic technologies for data confidentiality, protection mechanisms to prevent attacks, and access control mechanisms to permit only authorized access to your personal data. We also provide training on security and privacy protection for employees to raise their awareness of personal data protection. WPPOP is committed to protecting your personal data; however, please note that no security measure is perfect.

We will retain your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in this Policy, unless otherwise extending the retention period is required or permitted by law. The data storage period may vary with scenario, product, and service. The standards WPPOP uses to determine the retention period are as follows: the time required to retain personal data to fulfill business purposes, including providing products and services; maintaining corresponding transaction and business records; controlling and improving the performance and quality of products and services; ensuring the security of systems, products, and services; handling possible user queries or complaints and locating problems; whether the user agrees to a longer retention period; and whether the laws, contracts, y otras equivalencias tienen requisitos especiales para la retención de datos; etc.. Mantendremos su información de registro mientras su cuenta sea necesaria para la prestación del servicio.. Puede optar por cancelar el registro de su cuenta. Después de cancelar el registro de su cuenta, Dejaremos de proporcionarle productos y servicios a través de su cuenta y eliminaremos sus datos personales relevantes., siempre que la eliminación no esté estipulada en contrario por requisitos legales especiales.

6. How We Process Children’s Personal Data

Nuestros sitios web, Los productos y servicios están destinados principalmente a adultos.. Un niño no debe crear una cuenta WPPOP sin el consentimiento de un padre o tutor. Si los datos personales de un niño se recopilan con el consentimiento previo de los padres, Solo usaremos o divulgaremos los datos según lo permita la ley., con el consentimiento explícito de los padres o tutores del niño, or when necessary for the protection of the child. If we accidentally collect a child’s personal data without verified prior consent from the child’s parents, we will attempt to delete the data as soon as possible.

7. Third-Party Providers and Their Services

To ensure a positive user experience, you may receive content or web links from third parties other than WPPOP and its partners (“third parties”). WPPOP does not have the right to control such third parties, but you can choose whether to use the links, view the content and/or access the products or services provided by third parties.

WPPOP cannot control the privacy practices and data protection policies of third parties that are not subject to this Policy. When you submit personal information to such a third party, please read and refer to the privacy protection policy of the third party.

8. Transferencias internacionales de sus datos personales

As a global company, your personal data collected by WPPOP may be processed or accessed in the country/region where you use our products and services or in other countries/regions where WPPOP or its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers or business partners have a presence. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws. In such circumstances, WPPOP will take measures to ensure that data is processed as required by this Policy and applicable laws, which includes when transferring the data subject’s personal data from the EU to a country or region which have been acknowledged by the EU commission as having an adequate level of data protection, we may use a variety of legal mechanisms, such as signing standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission, obtaining the consent to the cross-border transfer of a data subject in the EU, or implementing security measures like anonymizing personal data before cross-border data transfer. You can click here to obtain a copy of the EU’s standard contractual clauses.

9. Actualizaciones de esta política

WPPOP reserves the right to update or change this Policy at any time. We will release the latest Privacy Policy on this page for any changes. If major changes are made to the Privacy Policy, we may notify you through different channels, Por ejemplo, posting a notice on our website or sending you direct notification.

10. Cómo contactarnos

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact If you have any privacy complaints or issues, and want to contact WPPOP Data Protection Officer (DPO), please click here.

Where your personal data is processed by WPPOP in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the WPPOP entity that responds to your request, contacts you, provides you with products or services, or has signed or is about to sign a contract with you is the controller of the related personal data. You can click here to obtain the contacts of WPPOP entities.